Meet the cast of the thrilling zombie apocalypse movie “Love You as the World Ends”

Kamen Rider stars Takeuchi Ryoma and Takahashi Fumiya are Hibiki and Yamato in the dystopian zombie film Love You as the World Ends. Based on the hit  horror-television series co-produced by Nippon TV and Hulu Japan, Love You As The World Ends ties in all the intertwining stories of a group of survivors trying to stay alive during a zombie outbreak.Takeuchi Ryoma plays the lead role as Hibiki, a mechanic before the world was plunged into chaos. Hibiki was about to propose to his partner, Kurumi, when the deadly Golem outbreak began. Fighting for survival, Kurumi tragically succumbs to the Golem virus, but miraculously gives birth to their child, Mirai. Mirai’s unusual childbirth piques the interest of researchers who are looking for the cure to the Golem virus, and kidnaps, hoping to further their cause. Hibiki must now climb up Utopia, a refuge from the Golems, to get to the researchers and save his child.Continue reading, click the link now! »

Jun 6, 2024 - 10:36
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Meet the cast of the thrilling zombie apocalypse movie “Love You as the World Ends”

Kamen Rider stars Takeuchi Ryoma and Takahashi Fumiya are Hibiki and Yamato in the dystopian zombie film Love You as the World Ends. Based on the hit  horror-television series co-produced by Nippon TV and Hulu Japan, Love You As The World Ends ties in all the intertwining stories of a group of survivors trying to stay alive during a zombie outbreak.

Takeuchi Ryoma plays the lead role as Hibiki, a mechanic before the world was plunged into chaos. Hibiki was about to propose to his partner, Kurumi, when the deadly Golem outbreak began. Fighting for survival, Kurumi tragically succumbs to the Golem virus, but miraculously gives birth to their child, Mirai. Mirai’s unusual childbirth piques the interest of researchers who are looking for the cure to the Golem virus, and kidnaps, hoping to further their cause. Hibiki must now climb up Utopia, a refuge from the Golems, to get to the researchers and save his child.Continue reading, click the link now! »

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