ALL THAT BREATHES Blu-ray Review: Sitting Gently With the End of the World

One of the great, tragic flaws of the human race is locked up in our inability to think beyond our familiar scale of time; like the slow blades that slip the shields in Dune, gradual problems -- even if ultimately fatal -- are difficult for us to reckon with for their seeming lack of immediate urgency. Now, staged against geologic time, even the timescales of the climate catastrophe are negligibly short. An Inconvenient Truth was released just 20 years ago, after all, and human science only began to point towards the damage we were doing to our ecosystem thirty years before that. For a human being, though, a 50-year apocalypse is simply too long-term to wrap one's mental arms around. And then the birds start... [Read the whole post on]

Jun 6, 2024 - 11:18
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ALL THAT BREATHES Blu-ray Review: Sitting Gently With the End of the World
One of the great, tragic flaws of the human race is locked up in our inability to think beyond our familiar scale of time; like the slow blades that slip the shields in Dune, gradual problems -- even if ultimately fatal -- are difficult for us to reckon with for their seeming lack of immediate urgency. Now, staged against geologic time, even the timescales of the climate catastrophe are negligibly short. An Inconvenient Truth was released just 20 years ago, after all, and human science only began to point towards the damage we were doing to our ecosystem thirty years before that. For a human being, though, a 50-year apocalypse is simply too long-term to wrap one's mental arms around. And then the birds start...

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